Have you been playing 'Dancing with the Devil...The art of starting over' on repeat?

Demi Lovato bears their soul in this album, detailing their struggle with drug addiction and near death experience with an overdose.

But even beyond their specific experience, the album has some lessons that we can all take away to live better.

🎶 Dancing With The Devil 😈

Habits can be a slippery slope.

It's just a little white line, I'll be fine

But soon that little white line is a little glass pipe

When Demi started drinking again after several years of sobriety, they quickly got back into old habits of using harder drugs.

Unfortunately, a bad habit can build on itself quickly, especially when it's associated with other destructive behaviours (also called habit stacking or piggybacking).

Apply the lesson

Good habits can build momentum just like bad ones do. Start this simple habit to improve your happiness.


Which of these are examples of habit stacking?

🎶 Met Him Last Night (Ft. Ariana Grande) 💅

Awareness isn't the same thing as action. But it's an important first step.

I think I love him but I know it ain't right.

I don't believe in you

Disguised but I see right through

In this song, Demi is self aware that they are making bad choices (by engaging with their demons), but isn't yet in a position to change their behavior.

Apply the lesson

Becoming self aware is the first step toward changing a pattern of thinking or behavior.

🎶 What Other People Say (Ft. Sam Fischer) 🦘

We don't need to be defined by our worst mistakes.

Cause I'm all grown up and I'm black and blue

I could use some tape, I could use some glue

Even though the song's chorus repeats "I care more about what other people say" in reference to mistakes Demi's made in the past, there is a thread of recognition that this isn't who they're meant to be.

I'm better than that

I should be living my life so I go to heaven and never come back

Apply the lesson

Most of the time, we are our own biggest critics. Learn to recognize your own inner critic to flip the script.

Take Action

Demi gives us lots to enjoy musically and some important ideas to chew on.


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This Byte helped me better understand the topic.