Networking is the second most popular way that job seekers find a new job. In one survey, about a quarter of the 507 newly hired Americans surveyed reported that they found their job through networking.

Flaticon Icon Networking can occur both in person at local events and virtually.

But how do you find out about networking opportunities? Let’s explore some ways below!

Finding Networking Opportunities

Flaticon Icon Search Online

You can search websites like Meetup, Eventbrite, or Eventful to find networking opportunities. Use Meetup to find events in your city. Eventbrite has a wide variety of online events. Check out Eventful’s Networking category.

Flaticon Icon Use Social Media

Discover local and virtual events on Facebook’s Events page. Follow professional organizations or businesses you’re interested in on different social media platforms, such as LinkedIn and Instagram, and be on the lookout for any posts about networking opportunities, such as webinars, conferences, or social events.

Post on LinkedIn that you’re searching for networking opportunities. Note: Think twice about doing this if you are currently employed and would not want certain people to know you are job hunting (i.e. your boss).

Flaticon Icon Check Your Inbox

Do you subscribe to newsletters from professional organizations in your field or your university alumni organization? If not, it’s time to start! These organizations may send out information about both online and in-person networking events.

Flaticon Icon Ask Around

Ask those in your professional network to let you know about any networking events. This could include professors, old colleagues, or LinkedIn connections. Note: Beware asking colleagues if you’re currently employed and don’t want them to know you’re job hunting.


Which of the following are ways to find events?

Keep In Mind

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You May Need to Register. Sometimes you can just show up to an event, other times you may need to claim your spot – this applies to both virtual and local events. Read through the entire advertisement to see what you need to do in order to attend.

Check for Fees. There may be a cost associated with some networking events, but there are plenty of free events out there! Find out if there’s a fee (and pay it if you’re willing and able) before attending the event.

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Follow Through. If you find an event that interests you, put it on your calendar and attend it! Networking takes effort and only works when you do it!

Take Action

Networking is one method you can use when job hunting. You can attend in-person events in your area or log into virtual events.

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Just like job hunting, finding networking opportunities takes some effort.

Use the suggestions above to find your next networking opportunity! Check out Rumie's other Bytes on Networking to learn more.


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