Congrats, you just found a posting for your dream job!

But the application asks for three professional references who can highlight your skills... The Big Bang Theory Reaction GIF No need to hyperventilate: read on to find out who you should ask!

Ask The Right People

  • Make a list of people who will likely give you a positive review.

  • Reach out to potential references before you apply for the job and give them enough time to respond.

  • Contact your references in order of preference until you secure enough for the job application.

    Writing Write Down GIF

Who NOT To Ask For A Reference

Do not ask for a reference from:

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Anyone who fired you

  • Anyone not expecting a call

Max Greenfield The Neighborhood GIF by CBS


Which of the following could you ask for a reference?

Make It Easy

Tell your potential reference what job you are applying for and how your skills and experience match. Include a resume to refresh their memory!

easy GIF

Best Practices

  • Be polite when asking for a reference.

  • Give the person a way to say no if needed.

  • Send a thank you note.

please and thank you season 4 GIF

How To Ask

When requesting a reference greet the person and ask how they are doing, then provide a brief update on your skills and experience.

End your request by asking if they would be comfortable serving as a reference.

Confirm your reference's contact information (phone and email) so that the hiring manager has no issues getting in touch with them.

Cat Kitty GIF by Kraken Images

Sample Email Request

Byte Author Uploaded Image

Consider This Scenario

Steven's former supervisor, Greg, receives a call: "Steven listed you as a reference," the caller says.

Greg is taken by surprise because he wasn't aware he was listed as a reference.

When he asks for more information, the caller refuses, citing privacy laws, and hangs up without receiving the recommendation.

awkward andy samberg GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine


What could Steven do differently to effectively secure a reference in the future?

Take Action

What are you waiting for?

Hopefully, your professional reference helps you land that dream job!


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