Weather forecast map

Are you fascinated by how meteorologists can forecast the weather?

Do you wish you had the skills to predict the climate of the near future?

Let's see if you have what it takes to become a meteorologist!

Meteorologist Or Weather Forecaster?

Many people confuse meteorologists with the weather forecasters they see on TV.

Grandma confused about the word

In reality, meteorologists have scientific qualifications and, among other things, they conduct research and analyse data that is used to create a weather forecast.

Weather forecasters work for media outlets and don't necessarily have meteorologist training.

So What Does A Meteorologist Do?

Different views on what Meteorologists do

The job can include:

  • collecting data from satellites, radars, remote sensors, and weather stations

  • measuring air pressure, wind, temperature, and humidity

  • studying weather patterns and climate change

  • applying computer models and scientific principles to forecast the weather

  • using research to predict floods and droughts

  • studying how the weather affects the spread of pollution or disease

  • writing reports and research papers


Which of these can be part of a meteorologist's job?

Where Do Meteorologists Work?

Many places employ meteorologists, such as:

  • local or national television stations as a weather forecaster

  • government agencies such as the National Weather Service, NOAA, NASA, or the Department of Defense

  • private sectors such as airlines, shipping, and insurance companies or the agriculture sector

  • legal offices as a forensic meteorologist providing meteorological data for legal cases

weather station


Which is the LEAST LIKELY place to find a meteorologist?

How Much Do They Earn?

The average salary of meteorologists is:

Flaticon USA Icon

USA: $58,089 /year

Flaticon Canada Icon

Canada: C$60,310 /year

How Can You Become A Meteorologist?

To become a meteorologist, you need at least a Bachelor's degree in Atmospheric Sciences or a closely related field.

A person studying in front of an open window

Related subjects are:

  • Physics

  • Chemistry

  • Geography

  • Environmental Studies

  • Maths

  • Computer Science

  • Engineering

For research positions, a Master's degree or even a PhD in meteorology or a related field may be necessary.

How Do You Know If It's For You?

You'll love it if:

  • you care about the environment and climate change

  • you enjoy studying science

  • you have good numeracy and computer skills

  • you are intrigued by working with sophisticated tools

toast for a meteorologist

unsuitable for a meteorologist

You won't like it if:

  • you want to become a weather forecaster on TV and not a meteorologist

  • you are not good at maths

  • you don't like writing reports


Susan decided that she wants to become a meteorologist. Why should she think twice before making that decision?

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Spongebob saying,

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