Do you struggle with self doubt? Do you feel like your ideas and opinions don't matter? If so, you aren’t alone. Everyone feels this way at times and for good reason. Many of us were taught from a young age to suppress our feelings, blend in, and simply accept what society tells us.

A chameleon changing color.

This can be problematic. Not being true to who you are can make it difficult to connect with others. It also blocks creativity and stops you from living out your full potential.

Counter your self-doubt by applying Ralph Waldo Emerson's philosophy of self-reliance, which empowers people to think for themselves and form their own opinions.

Who Is Ralph Waldo Emerson?

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most influential American thinkers of the 19th century, was a philosopher, lecturer, and poet. He was the leader of the Transcendentalist movement, a group of writers who believed in the goodness of people and the importance of independence.

Emerson spent his career writing and lecturing about these ideas. One of his most influential essays is called "Self-Reliance". In it, Emerson explains the importance of originality and non-conformity in a world where most people simply "follow the herd."

This idea of "self-reliance", of trusting your own instincts, became extremely popular and is now Emerson's most famous concept.

Challenge Your Opinions

To become self-reliant, you need to start by investigating your biases. "Bias" means "the way that you usually view the world" — for example, tending to support certain opinions and beliefs rather than others.

Everyone has biases. There's nothing wrong with that. Biases can become an issue when people aren’t aware of them or where they come from.

For example, how many of “your” opinions are actually someone else’s that you adopted without realizing?

Mae Whitman guests on a late night show. She says emphatically,

To find out:

  1. Make a list of the strongest voices in your life — these could be people, or even books and movies!

  2. Think about the lessons you've learned from these voices.

  3. Ask yourself, "Do I truly agree with these ideas?" If the answer is no, commit to thinking more authentically about the topic.

Explore A Diversity Of Ideas

Continue to address bias by learning widely. This means exposing yourself to a range of viewpoints and ideas, especially those that contradict your current beliefs

A dog sits in a room on fire and says,

For example, if you normally listen to right-wing political podcasts, try out a leftist one, or vice versa. 

Or maybe you grew up devoted to a certain religion. Watch a YouTube video on another religion that you know little about.

Devoting a few minutes each day to exploring new ideas will provide you with a more balanced knowledge base.


Johnny is a first-year college student studying classical music. He is also a skilled pianist. Which advice would you give Johnny if he's looking to diversify his knowledge base?

Connect More With Nature

Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that nature pointed to important truths. He taught that spending time in nature, like going for a forest walk, could help people find truth from within themselves.

A forest path, with sun shining through the trees. Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

Take a few minutes each day to go outside and breathe the fresh air. Maybe go for a quick walk. Clear your mind and immerse yourself in the sights and sounds around you. 

Take the time to connect deeply with your inner thoughts and feelings. Here, you're free to think and feel whatever you want. 

An old woman doing a cartwheel in the woods.

Cultivate Your Sense of Intellectual Dignity

Many of us grow up believing we shouldn't think for ourselves. Developing a strong sense of intellectual dignity can help. Believe that you're worthy of having your own thoughts and preferences.

  1. Become aware of unhelpful thought patterns. Maybe you find that you often criticize yourself for holding beliefs that are unpopular or “weird”. The next time it happens, notice it, and choose instead to honor how you feel, despite what people might think.

A woman says,

  1. Practice giving your opinion in spaces where it may feel uncomfortable. This may be difficult at first, but you can start small. For example, the next time your group of friends is deciding on a movie, don’t be afraid to give your two cents.

  2. Gradually tackle more difficult scenarios. Maybe you've always been embarrassed to reveal your musical taste to your friends. One day, while they’re in the car with you, decide to play your favorite songs unashamedly.

Eventually, you'll begin to feel more comfortable expressing your authentic self to the world.

Unleash Your Creativity

Lastly, let your creativity run wild! Learning to be self-reliant will help you come up with unique and interesting ideas about the world.

As you move through your daily life, going to school or work, hanging out with friends, or engaging in hobbies, always:

  • Embrace your sense of curiosity. Never assume you can't learn something from every person or situation in your life.

  • Keep an open mind. Be open to any and all ideas, regardless of how you or others feel about them.

  • Rely on your intuition. This means trusting how you naturally feel about a certain topic or situation.

A trumpet blowing a word bubble that says,

Take Action

Dwight from the TV show The Office flexing his hands. Overlaid text says

Are you ready to become self-reliant and live more authentically? Begin here:


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